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Instead, regular English capitalization relies on rules educated in school that many decent writers get right more or less without even thinking of it. Rezyk 00:14, 23 February 2007 (EST) The primary problem with in-game capitalization is that it's not a standard and forces every contributor to double check with how the game wrote it (easy enough with outpost names, but more annoying in text passages) in order to get it right. rant - 22:51, 15 February 2007 (PST) I'm for english capitalization rules. The capitalization of the "The" part is totally unnecessary.

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Seeing "The Kodash Bazaar" in the middle of sentences really irks me. I'm against the names where there are articles ('a', 'an', 'the') in them. They seem to make an effort to use consistent capitalization in them lately. Also, check the capitalization in ANet's game update notes. In case of common nouns and general terms, which often appear both capitalized (in labels) and lowercase (in dialogue text) ingame, use the label capitalization for the article name, but create a lowercase redirect and use lowercase in free article text. Erszebet 05:04, 15 February 2007 (PST) Generally use the exact same capitalization as the game, especially for proper nouns. NieA7 13:46, 14 February 2007 (PST) Personal preference: in-game capitalisation. Be Xo R 08:31, 14 February 2007 (PST) I think we should use in game capatilisation for all the articles, but put in redirects for common variants (such as title case or lower case).

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If we switch to English language rules, allow redirects for in game capitalisation. I really hate the capital "The" or "A" in the middle of sentences. If it's a specifically named object, capital. It's better to use English capitalisation rules. We shouldn't have the "use in-game capitalisation" rule. Be Xo R 12:21, 6 March 2007 (EST) Capitalization The following discussion has been moved here from Guild_Wars_Wiki_talk:Formatting#General_formatting_conventions_first But I'm iffy on Something (Warrior) - Warrior isn't a proper noun, but it's almost always capitalized. LordBiro 05:43, 6 March 2007 (EST) Something (mission), Something (location), Something (Factions) is English sentence capitalization. Be Xo R 21:47, 15 February 2007 (PST) I realise I am late to this discussion, but I strongly disagree with the identifier starting with an upper case letter. We should strive for consistancy and accuracy from the beginning. And it's not that difficult to paste something into notepad and run replace on Mission. There's no reason for the m to be capitalized. If we choose to have "english language rules" as a site policy for capitalization, then all names should follow it. I don't think we should do something simply because it's easier. That goes for lists, guides and category names. So it should be "Factions outposts" and "Warrior skills". Identifiers in brackets should realy be used only in case of an ambigous title, otherwise it should be avoided. As for campaign identifiers, I know it has been decided to add them in brackets at the end on GuildWiki at one point, but we didn't really stick to the system, and I never really got to like it. Only the first word should be capitalized though, unless the identifier is a proper noun. It's a minor issue to me, and not worth the hassle, so let's stick to capitals. Erszebet 05:01, 15 February 2007 (PST)Ĭhahbek Village (Mission), although actually I'd prefer the identifier to be lowercase, but since Guildwiki uses mostly capitalized identifiers, copying over stuff from GuildWiki would cause a lot of broken links. I also vote for "Mission" instead of "mission", "Outposts (Factions)" and "Skills (Warrior)" etc. rant 02:30, 14 February 2007 (PST)Ĭhahbek Village (mission), Factions outposts, Warrior skills (avoid brackets if possible, they are annoying) - Be Xo R 08:31, 14 February 2007 (PST) My vote goes for "Chahbek Village (Mission)", "Outposts (Factions)" and "Skills (Warrior)", with redirects in place for common alternatives ("Warrior skills" etc). Should we go "Chahbek Village ( Mission)" or "Chahbek Village ( mission)"? Should we do "Outposts (Factions)" or "Factions outposts"? Do we want "Warrior skills" or "Skills (Warrior)"? And general guidelines on how to handle disambiguations are needed. Identifiers The following discussion has been moved here from Guild_Wars_Wiki_talk:Formatting#General_formatting_conventions_first 24 Hiding something instead of making it clear.

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